Good Food, Bad Food.

“I know exactly what it was that made you hit Jason *several times and then push him into that bush* darling,” my mother said, “it was that naughty Fab Ice Lolly.”
I was 6 years old, and the combination of sugar and additives made we wild. Wild without meaning to be.

So we categorised my food into good and bad , and - because my stimulation-craving-brain was trying desperately to be in control - blamed the bad food for the sudden Dopamine increase that made me hit poor Jason.
My mother gave me the power. Or rather, she gave my gut-brain the power.
With such drastic (magically different) results, I preferred the non-hitting me and thus began my mothers quest for working out the calm within the wild. And reversing it.

If you’re craving a little more sugar than normal right now then this is equally normal; from strawberries and chocolate to alcohol.
Just observe when and then think about why...
The situation we are currently facing (as we remain in lockdown) will increase our Adrenaline and we’ll be getting hits of Dopamine because everything is new; if these are Dopamine hits are high, then you’ll want to automatically adjust the fall-out = sugar.
Allow your brain cravings to settle; they will even out. Forgive your brilliant brain for going into default mode. This is all ok.
Exercise. Dance. Sing. Laugh.
All will help an unexpected dopamine hit fall-out gently.

Elizabeth Watson